Wisdom Teeth Removal
Wisdom teeth removal means having one or more of the third molars (your wisdom teeth) at the back of your mouth taken out. This can sometimes involve a surgical procedure.
Your wisdom teeth are the last four of the large grinding teeth (molars) at the back of your mouth to come through. You’re likely to have them by the time you reach your mid-twenties, though some people find they come through earlier or later than this.
Sometimes, your wisdom teeth don’t come through properly, meaning they’re impacted. This can cause problems such as pain, swelling and infection. Having your wisdom teeth taken out can ease these symptoms.
Wisdom teeth don’t always need to be removed. For many people, they come through normally and don’t cause any problems. However, as your wisdom teeth are your last teeth to come through, there’s often not enough space in your mouth for them to grow properly.
They can get partially stuck in your gums or grow at an angle. This is called an impacted wisdom tooth. Even impacted wisdom teeth don’t always need to be taken out if they aren’t causing any symptoms.
Sometimes though, the way an impacted wisdom tooth is positioned can make it easy for food and bacteria to get trapped around the gum. This can lead to swollen and sore gums (pericoronitis), tooth decay and infection. If you’re having problems such as these, your dentist may recommend taking the impacted tooth out.
Having your wisdom teeth removed is one of the most common procedures done in the Canada. It’s usually done in your late teens or twenties, when your wisdom teeth come through.
Preparing for wisdom teeth removal
We will ask you to have an X-ray before having a wisdom tooth removed, so our dentists can see the exact position of the tooth in the gum. This will allow us to work out the best way to remove the tooth. Often, wisdom tooth removal is a straightforward procedure that your dentist will be able to do at the dental practice, under local anaesthesia.
We will discuss with you what will happen before you have the procedure, including any pain you might have. If you’re unsure about anything, please just ask. Being fully informed will help you feel more at ease and will allow you to give your consent for the procedure to go ahead.
The main side-effects from wisdom teeth removal include:
- Pain, swelling and bruising around your jaw
- Difficulty opening your mouth
- Bad breath
- Tiredness
- Sensitive teeth around where the tooth was removed
Most people don’t have any problems after having their wisdom teeth removed. You should seek medical advice if you are still experiencing symptoms after two or three days.